Writer of books on English Churches and Natural History
Andrew Swift lives in Norfolk, but spent most of his life in Leicestershire where he was born and educated. A geologist by training, he worked for over 30 years in university geology departments, where he authored many learned papers and books on palaeontological and stratigraphical topics. Geology remains a passion and even though he now enjoys a more sedate life as a writer, he can never say goodbye to geology. Serious interest in churches came rather late in life, but was a background interest for many years, perhaps stimulated by the author's love of geology and the beauty of stone. His interest eventually expanded to include church history and architecture, and the huge role churches and religion played in the evolution of British society and the impact they had on the day to day life of the people of the past. But most of all it was the sheer wonder of the church buildings themselves that took a hold, with their long histories and unique atmosphere. The author is now hooked on the thrill of excitement and expectation that mysteriously appears when a church door closes behind and the past rushes up in greeting, containing as it does echoes of the voices of generations of folk for whom the church formed the bedrock of their lives. As well as churches and geology the author's many other interests include all aspects of natural history and the countryside, photography, music, books, history, railways and numismatics.